Inter FC
AC Milan
big part of italian football history
Olimpia Milano (Basketball)
Vipers (Ice hockey)
Colours of Milan by Tamara Lau (lived there for 6 months)
Donato Bramante
Introduced Renaissance architecture to Milan
Basilica di Sant'Ambrogio (Milan introduced the cross-shaped basilica, having two stems form an integral unit)
Chiesa di Santa Maria presso San Satiro
Grattacielo Pirelli
Canale 5 - television channel

The current logo of the network is a 5 overlapped by the stylized head of Biscione (reference to the Visconti family and the city of Milan), from whose mouth, unlike the original, comes out a flower.
Leoncavallo Spazio Pubblico Autogestito

Self-managed and Leftist social, cultural and political centre established in 1975, represents a peculiar approach to the management of collective services in a participative and informal way, based on the principle of autogestione (self-management). Through an interesting process of `flexible institutionalization', this collective agent has been able to survive the post-1968 era, evolving nowadays into an important political actor in the national and international scenes. From an organizational point of view, the analysis shows how social innovation processes (Moulaert et al., 1990) are strongly related to the social enterprise logic and to the spatial dimension (at different scales): both the management of sense-making processes and the `enactment' of physical spaces (frames) by the activists and by the users of Leoncavallo provide the opportunity to combine the economic, political and social dimensions. This leads in the direction of a `glocal' development, focused on human needs and potentialities as fields for the building of an active citizenship.

Leoncavallo belongs to everyone.
With the words Self-managed Public Space we want to underline the open and inclusive nature of self-management and government practices.
Those who carry out activities at Leoncavallo must recognize themselves in the repudiation of all forms of fascism, racism, homophobia and sexism.

Macao is the name of a new self-organized centre for arts in Milan, a city that until now has not managed to create neither contemporary arts museums nor community centres for experimental arts.
Macao was born during a national uprising that has led to the occupation of many public spaces for a more accessible culture through a radical process of reclaiming centres for the township.
A widespread movement that involves citizens, performers, entertainers, artists and cultural workers, a movement that crosses, encompasses and describes a new map of political action of the last 20 years. This map is pinpointed by different political experiences: Teatro Valle Occupato, Cinema Palazzo, Angelo Mai in Rome, Sale Docks and Teatro Marinoni in Venice, Asilo della creatività e della conoscenza in Naples, Teatro Coppola in Catania, the Cantieri Arsenale and Teatro Garibaldi Aperto in Palermo. In the Milan area many of the artists involved in Macao are active within the Isola Art Center, a grassroot movement that is fighting jointly with the local community of Isola to promote the creation of arts centres against the massive gentrification of the neighbourhood.
On 12 May 2001 we occupied the shipyard, in via MonteRosa 84 in Milan. It was the bet of a group of very young students and temporary workers. The Coordination of Student Collectives of Milan and Province entered one of the many abandoned buildings in the city: the former historic derby cabaret. After 16 years of neglect, we began to renovate the space, giving it back to young people, the neighborhood, the city, transforming it into a useful tool to combat discrimination, sale and privatization of culture, abuse and lack of rights.
Rocket Club (LGBTQ Friendly)
Tunnel (Electronic music)
Fondo Ambiente Italiano (Italian Environment Fund)

FAI is a non-profit foundation founded in 1975, on the model of the National Trust, with the aim of protecting and enhancing the Italian historical, artistic and landscape heritage.
43, Corso Monforte, a black cat stares at you from a street-level hopper window
This is not a nightmare but Palazzo Berri Meregalli, one of Milano’s most bizarre eclectic architectures, where the Middle Ages, gothic details, the Renaissance and Art Nouveau coexist in fantastic freedom.

The head is a work by Adolfo Wildt and represents Victory: it was sculpted in celebration of the Great War’s end.
Even the walls have ears (Palazzo Sola Busca)

The Milanese call the building Ca’ de l’Oreggia (or House of the Ear) and the unique ear is one of the city’s first intercoms. It is said that by whispering one’s wishes to the ear, these may come true.
Libreria Antigone

Specialises in books on queer and feminist culture
Torre Branca
Corriere della Sera
One of italys oldest newspapers
La Gazzetta dello Sport
Design and architecture magazine
architectural and product design magazine
Flash Art
contemporary art magazine
Risotto alla milanese
Cotoletta alla milanese
Parco Sempione
Collone di san lorenzo
Corso Como
Fiera Milano
is a trade fair and exhibition organiser headquartered in Milan. The firm is the most important trade fair organiser in Italy and one of the largest in the world.[3]